I drive out to Ed’s farmette in the late afternoon. I’d not been there lately and so I am, as usual, taken aback somewhat to see how much nature bullies the innocent and knocks down the meek and timid. Every spare inch of space appears to have something growing on it, and sometimes it is beautiful and oftentimes it is wild and unseemly, and I say to Ed – you need me here to keep it all under control. (Need I remind anyone that Ed does not acknowledge dependence. That, in his perception, we simply toddle along gracefully, never diminished by a need for anyone at all. I am of a different persuasion.)
I watch the butterflies cling to the last petals of spent flowers. It is such a beautiful thing to see them perched in this way. It’s as if you don’t have to be perfectly formed to feel the touch of something so deliciously perfect as a butterfly...
Yes, look, all flowers are forever delicious!
I pace this way, then that... it feels almost sad to be here now, at the tail end of summer. I look for the little pines that we planted – some are there, some seem to have been chomped down by... well, those who like to chomp on baby pines... Is it you, little guy? (Do you see him? He’s camera shy, but he’s there. See the beady eyes?)
Almost autumn. Do you feel it? It’s not a green landscape anymore.