It's always like this and it will remain thus until the day I keel over: they're all here, content, satiated, with food and family filling them up to the max, they talk a little, play with the kids a tiny bit (less and less each time, as the kids like to do their own stuff), do a puzzle, sit back, do nothing too, read maybe, talk some more... And then they get themselves up and one car load returns to their home nearby, and the other car load sets off for the return trip to Chicago, and their departure creates this huge void in me that feels at once empty and happy, because it was so good to have them all here (for brunch, which is our usual habit on the last day) and I know they're returning to happy homes, so that's all good, except that I miss them already so much...
My Sunday in a nutshell.
I suppose the important background information is that it is bitter cold outside. When I go out to feed the animals (just at sunrise), it's 10F (-12C) outside. How did we get January weather so quickly this year?!

I have some prep work to do for the family brunch, but first, I do drive down to Madison Sourdough to get fresh bread and flaky croissants. They'll go well with the eggs (some of our own, but supplemented by store-bought, because our hens are molting, of all things, so their laying is a rare event this month).
I love putting together a brunch for these guys! You can get creative (I added a side of cold-smoked salmon and, too, garlicy mussels, as well as some turkey slices for the kids), but really, the scrambled eggs (with freshly grated Parmesan for those so inclined) are the base, so you dont need to fuss too much beyond that. Sure, I bake up some bacon (and veggie based bacon for the pescatarian among us), and I find myself having time enough to bake a batch of blueberry muffins as well. To add to the morning buns from Clasen's. And of course, there has to be a plate of veggies (tomatoes and avocado) and a huge platter of fruits. I put out a jar of our home made jam and we get a ridiculous amount of praise from kids and adults alike for our summer jamming efforts.
(one end of the long table, all leaves added to it -- just manages to seat 11!)

None of this takes time. It's simple, it's fun and they are an appreciative bunch!
I don't take too many photos today. But there are two that kind of speak to the moment: one of my two grandgirls from Chicago and me...

And another -- of the whole five of them. All grins and happy hugs.

They leave in the afternoon. Sigh...
After tidying up, I'm ready to sit down and put my feet up (with this coffee break...)
... but Ed coaxes me up and into a walk. Just in our local park. Yes, its bitter cold, but that's no excuse to sit it out. I acquiesce and as usual, I'm so glad that we do a loop through the forest. It really is wonderful to let go of everything and take deep breaths of woodsy wintry air.

At home again, I decorate our tree. It takes me half an hour to do the whole thing. I dont purchase any more ornaments, feeling now rather attached to what's there. A handful from my past, but most are from my years at the farmhouse.

Lovely, all of it -- just lovely. (I like looking at it close up!)

Happy December, Ocean readers! Stay cheerful if you can. We've got each other. Good hearts, good, caring people. Reason enough to smile.
with so much love...