Just a few days ago, that post title may have read "what we have lost." Maybe I would have added, for clarity "what we have lost in America." Today? I have a wealth of headings that come to mind: the one that I gave you, with perhaps this addition, for clarity: "what we have in America." Or "the other side." No, not "the other side of the ocean" (remember when that was the name of this blog?) but "the other side of America." Or, looking at it from another angle, I could have revived the well known saying "if it bleeds it leads."
You've been reading a lot I'm sure, in the press and in the comments of a frustrated public. About Congress's limp response to Musk/Trump bulldozing of America. How ostensibly the Democrats are wallowing in their election debacle, seemingly at a loss as to how to react. And, of course, the news feeds have been full of stories about Musk/Trump arrogance, plundering, destroying, gleefully taking control of a country that was once considered a shining example of democratic governance. So of course, you're left with the feeling that we no longer are who we once were, or at least wanted to be. I've written about it here: it's easy to feel ashamed, on the world stage for sure, at home -- even more so. How could we let this happen?
But this morning I'm thinking about that other side. And in support of this perspective, let me reintroduce you to Andy Borowitz -- an author, a humorist -- someone who happens to write from that "other side," and whose newsletter cheers me up and makes me laugh every single morning (I highly recommend subscribing to him -- you can pay, or you can read him for free -- just look for the Borowitz Report). Today he writes about the greatness of that other side. Politicians who are far more savvy and smart than, um, ones who are charging ahead with a wrecking ball. [You doubt this? Consider names such as Jamie Raskin, AOC, Katie Porter, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Warren, Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, JB Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, Letita James, Raphael Warnock, David Hogg, Chris Murphy, Stacy Abrams, oh I could keep adding! Which political party should be trembling right now -- the one with mostly grumpy old white men who can't stand up to an autocrat, along with their side kick -- screaming Marjorie Taylor Greene, or the one with these sharp as a whistle new generation politicians on the other side?]
No matter what your politics, you have to recognize this truly American strength: our form of governance allows for strong leaders to emerge across the spectrum. We really are a nation of states. And it's too easy to forget that there is a lot of Democrat talent out there -- brilliant talent, that's not hiding in the bushes. Again, don't read this as a propaganda piece -- I'm not pushing an ideology here, but simply pointing out that we do have very smart, very strong people working in support of a constitutional democracy. The headlines don't remind us of it. So I will.
You gotta love a guy like Jamie Raskin (Maryland Congressman), who is quoted as saying -- Given that I was marching at age three, you know I’m not letting any coup-plotting, election-denying, insurrection-supplying autocrat, kleptocrat, plutocrat or theocrat, or any techno-feudalist Silicon Valley broligarch aspiring dictator, turn me around now. I am going to honor and participate every day in this urgent national fight for strong constitutional democracy, personal freedom and social progress.
It makes me proud.
And, too, it makes me smile.
As does the weather: we are starting the climb up. Still in freezing territory. It's going to be a slow climb. But it is a climb!

The morning goes quickly. Breakfast, with Ed, during which we discuss how little we know about the future (this is perhaps a positive: it is not a given that we will topple under the weight of what is happening).
Dance participates: she reminds us that tulips are awesome!

And I spend the rest of the morning Zooming with Bee. She makes me appreciate what it means to be a European, let alone Polish right now. You have to feel their pain as our leadership is charmed by Putin. Putin! How utterly stupid can you be!
In the afternoon I pick up the kids...

... and yes, if it's Wednesday it must be ice cream day. The weather notwithstanding.

All goes well until it's time to fix dinner. The fish didn't defrost, so I reach for eggs, scramble them up, with mushrooms, and a salad, and I call it a meal. What can I say -- you can't be on top of everything in your day. Some things must slide. Though I have to say -- our hens lay fantastically wonderful eggs!
with love...