I have this excuse: I wanted to find a place to which my two good friends and I could escape sometime in April. For a retreat. Somewhere that would not be too difficult to get to, given that one friend lives in the south east, the other in the south west, and I, of course, am in the upper Midwest. Somewhere not expensive. Somewhere not too cold (we're talking April). So.... where??
I searched and came up with nothing that meets all criteria stated above. (It's rare that a travel idea does not percolate somewhere in my brain, but today, I honestly came up empty. Am I getting old??)
It's a very cold day. The sunshine is there, to cheer us up I suppose, but we're in one of those northern blasts that you have to tolerate and not groan about too much, because hey, it's February and to be expected.

I hustle the kids into the farmhouse. No cheerful pictures outdoors. Only cheerful photos inside!
(Sparrow dropped a Lego character under the car. Oh dear!)

(Rescued! All's safe!)

Art time: super pig book production by Snowdrop...

A Jackson Pollock-like canvas by Sparrow.

And a wintry sunset. It will be even colder on this night. Can we make a deal? This will be the last dip below 0F (-18C) for the year. Okay?
