At night it's getting really chilly (45F, which is about 7C) and I finally break down in the morning and turn on the heat.
Breakfast is in the sunless sunroom. It's a bright and inviting little spot in the farmhouse. I'm not unhappy to be back in its sweet embrace.

At some point I'll have to clean up the garden, but it's not ready for a prewinter trim. For now, I enjoy it for what it is -- a place that needs a period of rest after the hard work of blooming its tail off all summer long.

I pick up Snowdrop in the afternoon and she is in her most radiant, cheerful form. We spend a wonderful set of minutes climbing on the play structures (me too!) in the local playground and she is all smiles all the time.

At the famhouse, she wants to play "restaurant" again -- a game that just amuses us no end because she is in love with all her foods and finds it hard to let go of any of them! A classic case of the eye being bigger then the stomach (not that I would encourage her to eat plastic food...)!

A few minutes of play with her beloved characters...

And then we're off. I have an errand and I take Snowdrop along for the ride: Ed and I have decided that our tomato yield is too low and we're supplementing it with locally grown tomatoes. Today, I'm to pick up some thirty pounds (at a great price of $1 a pound) from a grower who comes to our Thursday evening market.
We're told to help ourselves to any of the tomatoes. I've rarely seen Snowdrop this determined, this deliriously happy (and she is one happy kid), loading tomatoes from crate to bag, straight from the truck.

It's a beautiful evening here, in our little corner of the country. It may be wet and cold outside. I don't really know. I just have the image of Snowdrop clutching tomatoes, as she deftly keeps her footing on the back step of the truck. Beautiful indeed!