Though even then, the bugs were there to tease and taunt me. I went in, went out, hurried in, caught my breath, went out again, back and forth quite a number of times.

I did some garden repair work telling myself that I shouldn't give up on that too soon.

After all, so much in the flower fields is spectacular and in fact, arguably at its strongest and finest.

Oh, but those bugs!
And it is a hot and humid day so that I almost take our breakfast indoors. Almost.

(Looking in toward the porch.)

After the porch break, I do some idle computer work and then the storms come again and it is a done deal: I will spend the rest of the day indoors.
It really is quite amazing how strong and rooted most of the trees are: the winds gust fiercely, whipping the heavy limbs about, but in the end they fail to uproot much of anything (though we surely have fallen limbs to clean up on a better weather day).
In the evening, Snowdrop and her mom come over for a light spaghetti supper and that is of course delightful. (An infusion of joy!)...

... even as the thunder comes and goes and comes back again, giving the impression that it is settling in for a rather lengthy visit -- uninvited, unwanted, but there you have it: thundering away and causing everyone to scurry indoors.
The little girl helps me cook (tasting her way through the preparations)...

And she engages ah-ah-eh in a game of throw the penguin back and forth...

And it is, in the end, the weather to the contrary, a very joyous evening.

So where are we with our seasons? Heavily into summer, no? Or maybe just a tad further along than that?
It's hard to believe that just a few months ago I was celebrating the coming of spring...