When did night end and the day begin? And while I'm at it, when did the day end and sleep take hold?
It's been a confusing set of hours. Many of us kept an eye on election results late into the night, or into early morning, going strong until we just gave up, because sleep is too powerful to fend off, except then night turned into morning light and suddenly we're all wide awake, wanting to know what happened?!
Dare I say this -- none of the past 24 hours was out of the blue, unexpected. Not the trickling results, not the waiting at night and waiting again today (and maybe the next day), not the tiredness on the day after. Like an ordinary election moment.
Even though, of course, it was anything but ordinary.
And here is something else that is unusual to the core: we have another splendid day of sunshine and warmth before us. How can the weather be this un-Novemberish!
I'll take it!
Morning walk, half awake, sort of...

(Dance follows me...)

And breakfast, again on the porch, just because we can!

And then Ed and I go out to work together on the project of building a quirky path toward the new farmhouse front entrance. It's Ed's idea and our joint execution.

We'll finish it tomorrow because guess what -- we are to be given another sublime day of good, very good weather!
This afternoon, Ed returns to his Wednesday night biking (in November, in Wisconsin!) and I take a short walk, thinking calm thoughts, wondering if we really are entering a new era of less in your face politics, or if we haven't yet reached our fill...
I'm hoping that it's the former.
(Dance, still playing the dog, as she follows me. From back to front, then back again...)

Supper, at home, with a candle burning, and a smile on my face.
With love.