Paris is in the headlines. And the sad thing is that it really is not unique, not really unexpected, and not something that cannot happen there or elsewhere, again and again.
When I first heard the news yesterday (and I heard it within minutes, because being alone, I was plugged into my computer) my immediate thought was -- each violent death has a lifelong impact on the loved ones who survive. And then -- I always wanted to take my grandchildren to Paris... And then -- what a messed up world we're handing over to the next generation and the one after.
Forgive me for starting a post in this way. I work hard to steer Ocean in the direction of the simple but noble. I leave it to others to decipher and expound on the events that leave us gasping. But of course, I owe Paris so much of my good, reverent moments. I cannot ignore here the pain that has flooded the city right now.
I write the few emails to people I know who live in France. I'm sorry... I'm with you (but of course, I'm not really there, I'm here). I read the stories, watch the news videos. And I start my day with my sadness. For all that happened in Paris. For all that happens elsewhere to people who, like you or I, merely want to live a life of calm, where a stroll to a park with a grandchild takes center stage and a dinner (or even a breakfast) with family, lovers or friends is the most important event of your week.

Cheepers. Getting along today.

And a hike with Ed.

Where all is as it should be everywhere today -- peaceful. Quiet. Beautiful.

With a path leading toward the brightest of blue skies.

Are you wondering if I will be less likely to travel to Paris, going forward?
That, at least, is an easy question: no, not at all. I will be going there in a couple of weeks, when perhaps the shock will have morphed into a more constant pain. I wont hide nor stay away from that. It's my turn to show gratitude and admiration for all that the city is and can be for the millions who call it home.
One more photo -- evening sky over the farmette.

And a last one -- the fields beyond.