So, let's start off with a bit of humor today. A cartoon popped into my Inbox today. If ever there was one that hit home, this one is it! (Under the New Yorker copyright guidelines, I'm allowed to let you see it.)

My granddaughter in Chicago (and my friends far away who have been Zoom calling me for the past eight months -- gulp! has it been eight months?) will surely crack a smile!
It's a sunny day and that's a good thing. No one is in the mood for a drippy gray day. We're looking for uplifts here and sunshine is a reliable source of positivity.

In fact, I'm so taken with it that I diddle a little in the flower beds (and listen to the lovely birdsong) before coming in for a kitchen breakfast.

Later, we install the new camera gadget onto the little TV in the kitchen. We're set for virtual holiday sharing with the Chicago bunch!
And still later, Ed and I search out another reliable hike trail -- over at the Nature Conservancy, maybe a mile down the road from us. I know, we could have walked from the farmette to the trailhead, but I've grown allergic to strolling along our rural roads. I'm convinced that for too many, an empty road is an invitation to pick up a smartphone. I don't want to slog through 249 days of isolation, only to be run down by a texting driver. So we drive over, park the car off road and hit the trails!

Back home, I'm itching to try out our new communications center. Yes! Primrose and mom, right on my little kitchen TV!

Perfect. And perfectly wonderful!
Evening: I think this kind of a day (how would I describe it? Oh, sort of like yesterday and probably like tomorrow) calls for a frittata. With spinach and mushrooms. And onions and potatoes. And gruyere cheese. Wonderfully nutty gruyere cheese.