We all knew the snow would come. We'd been told to expect the worst -- mixed with rain, with ice, wet and heavy. Several inches of the winter horror.
When? -- Ed asks me, as I'm the weather tracker around here.
It'll start in the morning. I'm a tad anxious as I'll have the kids here and I don't want to drive them home in the afternoon in a freezing crazy weather event.
We eat breakfast in the kitchen. It seems cozier.

The kids come. No snow yet.

When did you say it would start?
Any minute now.
Snowdrop and Sparrow continue to be delighted by the chicks. That's a good thing, because the chick cuteness is not going to last long. The first three weeks they're precious and adorable. Then follows the adolescence period as they try to secure their freedom and are hard to catch. By the second month, you begin to have deep regrets about having turned your home into a hen house. But for now -- all cuteness all the time.

(So long as we are at the art table...)

It's a remote learning school day, which means that Snowdrop has to check in with her class several times...

Afterwards, she plays vigorously.
Oops! I hear a thud. The little girl trips and tumbles right into the coffee table. She's understandably upset.
Nasty coffee table! -- I say the usual "grandma is on your side" stuff.
It wasn't the coffee table's fault. I tripped on the strap of a handbag. She points to my purse on the floor.
Nasty handbag!
No, it's not the handbag's fault! It was just being a handbag. Someone put it there. It's the fault of whoever put it there.
She snuggles forgivingly. I take out the pizza for lunch.
We look outside. Nothing yet.
Lunch ends, school ends, we play some more and now it is time to take them home. I have their snow pants, their warmest jackets. Still -- there's no snow. No rain, no ice storm.
I am so grateful.
The first flakes fall as we leave the farmette. And by the time I am returning home, the farmette lands are blanketed in snow.

Evening. It's still snowing. Or sleeting. Or something. Still, it's just a March thing. It happens. And here's a bit of color for you careening through my evening:

Not bad for a day that portended weather troubles. Not bad at all!