I swear, I'll settle down for the rest of the month. Indeed, I wont leave Wisconsin again until summer! Well, right about then. But today, I need to drive south. To Chicago. I haven't seen my five year old granddaughter since she turned six! Nor her sister, who is still a precocious two year old!
It's a rushed morning. I didn't have the wherewithal to get ready earlier in the week, and so I do it now. Nonetheless, there is always time to take in what is just outside the farmhouse door.
And the birdsong! I spotted and/or heard the following, in just a two minute period: Downy Woodpecker, American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, Song Sparrow, Blue Jay, American Crow, a Fox Sparrow (a first for me!), and a Dark-eyed Junco! And somewhere in the distance I heard the mating call of a Sandhill Crane. It's loud out there in spring!

And I head out, hoping to beat the traffic that pours into Chicago in increasing numbers as the day progresses.
It is so good to see the younger family again!

I wasn't here for Primrose's birthday, so we celebrate it today! Juniper helps.

The afternoon is all play and talk.
And very quickly the time rolls to evening.
We drive down to Chicago's Little Italy for dinner. You have to picture this: weaving our way at the periphery of the downtown, we have the last bits of sunlight to the west and the sharp outlines of Chicago's skyline to the east. A stunning city scape. Perhaps I should have used my camera more, but I was too busy listening to my grandgirls singing along to the music on the radio.
We eat at the Peanut Park Trattoria.

Purely Italian food. So good that everyone ate everything!
We aren't the only "larger family" there. Aunts, grandparents, children, parents. Large tables for large families. Together. Loving the moment.
At home again, the kids go to sleep, I stay up and review all that has accumulated over the months -- thoughts, ideas, questions -- it's the perfect evening for it. My kids are wise and getting input from them always helps me plan for the future.
And yes, I'm ready to crash soon after the youngest kids doze off, but before the older kids, my girl and her husband give it up for the day. Funny how at a certain age your bedtime gets awfully close to that of a kindergartner!
How good it is to be with these guys for these few April days! With so much love...