Thursday, May 19, 2022

Chicago week

And back we are to feeling warmish, well, more than that: we are hot hot hot. I turned off the heat in my pied a terre and were it not for the fact that the unit is half underground (isn't it cool down there?) I'd expect the AC would have to come on by sunset. Hot, sticky hot. 

But only for two days! Afterwards, we'll again chill ourselves with temperatures that are downright hostile to young tomato plants.

What's with the weather bounce this year? Cold cold cold, hot hot, cold cold cold, hot hot, cold cold cold. I mean, it's as if we are on a treasure hunt and haven't a clue as to its location: No, not there! Cold! Really cold. Oh, you're close now! Hot! Nope, cold again.

I want the treasure!

Here in Chicago, I join the early rush of those heading for work. 

(Things you notice when you really do full stops at stop signs!)

Except it's not really a rush. There are speed cameras everywhere so when the sign says 25 MPH everyone goes 23, leaving no room for error. Last time I was here, I got a ticket for not making it across an intersection during the yellow light. It may have turned red by the time I got to the other side -- I can't remember! I watched their video of my car a million times -- it demonstrates nothing except that I was there, passing through. Go fight that in court. So we slog along because no one wants to dish out $100 for a camera's mean gaze.

At my daughter's home, everyone is getting ready to head out.

Well, everyone except for me and her.

The two stay-at-homes. (I give my delayed timed release camera function a real workout today!)

But we will go too: you can bet your sweet snow booties that we will take out the stroller and stroll. The sooner the better (before the heat sets in).

Want to go now?

She does.

My daughter suggested that we walk over to Bang Bang Pie and Biscuits. It is about 40 minutes if you take the lovely greenway, but I could use that walk there and back to nap her.

Sounds good to me! And her.

Unfortunately, once the stroller stops, she is wide eyed and curious. 

At some point her hand slips into my sandwich and try as I will, I cannot get all the goat cheese off of her sticky fingers. 

Ah well. She enjoys sucking on her fist for a good part of the walk home.

Home at last. 

Shed the sticky damp clothes, start again!

Wait, what did I forget?

The photo with the smile!


Today I take a pause in hanging out at my girl's home. It's tempting to just linger there into the late evening, but I need to catch up on stuff and I'm sure they do as well. I pick up Primrose at school and spend a little time with her on our circuitous walk home...

Then I return to my pied a terre and pick up a seafood roll in one of the many restaurants nearby (to be eaten at home).

All this time with the littlest granddaughter has given my a lot of hours to think. About writing. About describing something. About growing things. About our responsibilities to each other. About being kind. It's all there in your play with someone so young who depends on you for everything. Everything.

Lots of walking today though means that I am sleepy tired.

In the best of ways.

With love...