I go out to a morning of a dense cloud cover -- the kind that tells you that it's going to be a wet day no matter what the forecasters say. I know my daughter wants to walk to the downtown farmers market.
Should we try it?
What the heck -- yes!
And so after breakfast (where you get a full view of Snowdrop's placemat, which she and I purchased together a few months back)...

... I go over to Snowdrop's home and she is so excited and so very happy (what a surprise -- this girl wears a big H for happiness on her sleeve all day long and she receives many surprised comments for it -- what a cheerful child! one hears again and again).

The walk to the market is long -- maybe a 35 minutes each way -- and the drizzle starts and we say oh-oh, but then it dissipates and we continue undaunted.

She is happiest when toward the end we let her abandon the stroller...

... and we all chase each other on the green and the world doesn't seem so gray after all.

I leave the young family after this. Snowdrop has a school friend birthday party to go to this afternoon and I get this pang as I realize that the little girl is becoming a not so little girl very very quickly.

(Maybe not so quickly...)