On the upside, we had a stunning (if mostly cloudy) sunrise!

And it happened at 6:38. That is almost an hour later than at the end of December, when I recall watching it break the horizon at 7:29. So much more daylight now, even if today it is rather a gloomy kind of daylight.
You wont notice streaks of sunlight streaming onto our breakfast table.

And it isn't the kind of day I would consider taking little Snowdrop out for another little stroll. We played today in her home, monkeying around. Well, maybe I was the goofy one. She just gave me that quintessential Snowdrop stare that asks -- why is the world so confusing and what is my grandmother doing?

Oh, Snowdrop!

On balance, it was such a fine day! I cannot neglect a quick mention of driving home in the snow. Lily has her winter tires on and though Ed scoffs at this wheel change from one season to the next, I have to say, I felt like I was really gripping the road. Psychological, I'm sure, but so what? Is there a difference between happiness based on delusion and happiness based on reality?