The weather here, in the upper Midwest, feels drizzly cold. A breath above freezing. Nothing to write home about. The kittens and Stop Sign have returned to the porch. They huddle on the heating pad, coming out every now and then to frolic. Well, the little ones frolic.

Stop Sign is getting old. She does a lot of resting.

Breakfast. I still record it here, on Ocean (how can I not!)...

... but I've put away the camera for this meal. Ed asks -- don't you want to take my picture?
Nope, no need.
Oh, come on!
Really. Not necessary to my story line.
Gorgeous, take a picture!

In the early afternoon, we work hard on motivating each other to go out for a walk. Neither of us finds this to be an attractive possibility. Wet snow flakes are coming down, melting at the touch of any surface. The landscape is muddy, offering shades of dark brown for your color palette. Still, we have to embrace this season! Staying inside all day long is not an option!
The trails in our local county park are... wet.

(Pond half frozen from the early weeks of November)

I am so glad to return to a warm and dry farmhouse!
In the evening, the young family comes for a spaghetti dinner.

(Sparrow makes the rounds: we're all sick of this book. He finds Ed, who never says no to a kid request.)

And so begins another month at the farmette. Happy December indeed!