Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Tuesday improvements

If you don't get it 100% right the first time (and who does!), then you can make improvements the second time around, right? 

Today I had my second morning with the grandkids at their house. Parents are still away, I'm the fill-in. Outnumbered by three little guys and three cats.

I will pass over my night with the cats. Who wants to read details of muffin pans clattering to the kitchen floor at 2 a.m., or of a big cat crawling affectionately over my torso, looking for the best possible place to settle in and purr until daybreak! 

So, forget about you, cats. Let's move on to the kids.

My goal this morning is to get the oldest to school on time. That means by 7:40. How hard can that be, right? The two older sibs (who share a room) get up on their own without fuss or complaint. Alarm goes off, they're up. Sandpiper is just 16 months, but he certainly starts mumbling in his crib early enough. I have my list of what to pack in each back pack, what foods to put in whose lunch box, they've again picked their clothes the night before. By 6:30 the backpacks are all in the car, ready to go and I'm feeding a content Sandpiper his morning milk. 

And because I appear to have time, I give him a quick bath. One less to do this evening! I am feeling so on top of it!

Getting dressed is a little chaotic. I admit it. Pants don't stay up. Socks are a little off. (This all takes place on the parents's bed.)

At some point Sandpiper takes an article of clothing and throws it down the toilet. Okay, a slight slowdown, but still, I'm on it!

Breakfast. Muffins -- at least those not eaten by the cats. Sandpiper is pleased as punch with an apple bar and blueberries.

We are done and I look at the watch and I think -- we are golden! It's 7:25! I tell the kids -- relax for a minute. We'll load you up at 7:30. (I cant get to school too early because the boys cant get to theirs before 8: we are all interconnected!)

(Let Sparrow choose his own clothes and he'll make them as full of rainbows as possible.)

Okay, 7:30: let's do it!

But Sandpiper's shoes don't fit over his thick socks. Nope, not turning back! I'll just skip the socks! We are not going to be late.

But his pants keep falling down...  That's okay! All kid pants slide down. He'll manage.

But that seat belt buckle for the middle seat is unreachable!

And that's the unanticipated issue here: it takes longer to load the three into the car than I thought. As a result, we pull up to the school at exactly 7:40. Meaning she walks into the building at 7:41. Failed again! (How exact are they in this school in marking arrivals? I have no idea. She certainly is not the last to come in. But still! I worked so hard to beat that arrival deadline! Again, it all went smoothly, I just did not allocate enough minutes for that final stretch!) 

Still, well fed, moderately rested, happy kids -- that counts for something, no?

After the chaos of yesterday, the cattishness of the night, and the real effort of the morning, what I need is a breakfast as described in yet another French book that I am currently reading. A pain au chocolat, with a steamy, milky coffee at the side. 

(It's one of the rare times that I arrive at the bakery just as it opens... Shelves are well stocked!)

Good morning, farmette lands!

Good morning, Ed!

A few catch up moments, a second cup of milky coffee, a hot shower, and now I'm off again, to pick up Snowdrop at school.

Normally, she should be at ballet class today, but nothing about this week is normal. We spend the afternoon hours reading at the farmhouse. After a quick run through the gardens. And I mean quick. It's buggy out there!

(the next and last photo book came today...)

And then, once again, we go together to pick up the brothers.

Promised pizza for supper. With beans, because I'm such a veggie fan. And if the beans are thin, and not mushy, they will eat them by the handful. 

Well, not Sandpiper. He prefers corn. Or blueberries!

And now comes the time where I have to watch myself because I need to get better at this: sending them off to bed at a better hour.  Clean out the back packs later. Pack their stuff later. Put away everything later. Get the kids to bed first!

A very helpful young woman comes over to deal with the cats (they require shots and special feedings). She is a Wisconsin farm girl, used to raising cattle and chickens, and she is not easily swayed by the whims of little ones. Beyond the cat care, she helps move things along. Sandpiper is terrified of her, but then, he is terrified of any person who isn't family or an established nanny.  But, Sparrow listens and marches right into the bath and then his bed without daring to protest. (Snowdrop showered earlier, at the farmhouse.) The farm girl leaves, I finish up with Snowdrop, her homework, their laundry, and lunches. Things are looking better already! 

Now, what do you think -- will I make that school starting time tomorrow? I honestly cannot predict. With kids, you can plan your minutes to the smallest detail and still, something unexpected will derail your best intentions. We will see.

Only cats, please, give me some space tonight, okay? 

Thank you.

With love...