Friday, May 03, 2019


You know how sometimes, you pay attention to one loved one (say, your child) because some project or circumstance draws you there and at the end of the day, you feel so sorry that you have neglected someone else? Possibly everyone else? This is what it's like when I work hard on a flower bed. I tidy it, prune it, dig out bad stuff, put in some newcomers. I chip it, smooth it, pamper it and at the end of the effort, it looks okay. And immediately I think -- oh! I've completely neglected the other flower fields! How am I ever going to make it up to them??

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These thoughts churn in your head particularly on a day like today -- it's actually quite lovely outside.  We begin with a cool but sunny morning and the garden rejoices!

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As do I. The sun does eventually hide behind clouds, but it's warmer than this whole last week combined. True, it's Friday and so immediately after breakfast, I hustle to the store to do the weekly grocery shopping.

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But I am back in plenty of time to do some solid work outside.

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The unfortunate thing is that we are slated to have only 2.5 days that I would call fine spring days. After that, it's back to the wet cold and gray. I shan't complain. We haven't the flooding and storm issues that plague other parts of the country. Still, it's not been a sunny spring thus far.

 (What even a little sunshine can accomplish...)

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In the afternoon, I pick up a Snowdrop that's ever so ready to get going.

farmette life-27.jpg the farmhouse.

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Without a sweater, without a care in the world.

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In the evening, Ed and I continue our work outside. I plant some day lilies that arrived today, I finish work on the pots, Ed fixes the engine on the tractor-mower.This is how it should be, Soaring spring! For a day and a half more..