Saturday, October 21, 2017

it's a beautiful day...

We did not break records today, but no matter: surely this weather is beyond grand! With a high of 77F (25C), a breeze that could blow away anyone's grumpy mood, this day sparkled!

Apple and Peach, the two new hens, ventured closer to the farmhouse. Peach is the shy one, Apple is more assertive. Still, we think the foursome is blending well. Even though introducing new chickens to the flock is never easy, this transition has been relatively calm.

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For one last time, we eat breakfast on the porch. We watch chicken antics and breathe in the earthy smell of Fall.

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And then I hop on Rosie (remember Rosie? The moped!) and make my way to the Capitol Square to meet up with Snowdrop and her mom for one last Saturday farmers market together.

I can't tell what the little girl loves best: our meet up? The snacks she picks up as we make our market rounds? Or the vast green spaces where she can romp?

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Perhaps the latter...

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Or maybe all the above!

It's a day of reds, every which way you look!

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It's a day of sunlight...

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And it's a day for sampling a pumpkin bar.

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I can't resist the selfie...

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She collapses from the sweetness of the pumpkin bar, and from the loveliness of the day...

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A passerby asks if we want a "real photo." I rarely say no to such offers. They're kindly offered and of course, not as crazy as selfies.

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Afternoon. Ed and I are reviewing the possibilities. It's not often that we have such drop dead gorgeous weather. Yes, the wind is picking up and yes, I know that by nightfall, it will bring rain and far cooler temperatures. But that's tomorrow's concern. Today, we can play.

How about one last game of disc golf?

Why did we think that we could persevere and do well despite the gusts of wind?

Worst Game Ever!

Because it's a weekend day, we are not alone on the course. Others are struggling as well, but at least they come equipped. Everyone carries a bag of discs -- choosing appropriate ones for the conditions and demands of your predicament. Not us: we use only the Walmart duo that we purchased because hey,  I liked the design and it said "midrange" which to me sounded like it ought to cover all bases. Sort of like having one golf club for every challenge on the course.

Well, what can I say... The views were pretty...

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... and on the way there and back, we encountered a pack of graceful sandhill cranes. Snowdrop would have approved.

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In the late afternoon, I plant bulbs. Dozens and dozens of bulbs. So many bulbs!

And I'm not finished yet. (But getting close!)

In the evening, Snowdrop is with us for a sleepover. She is bouncy, exuberant, enthusiastic, happy. (She brings a doll from home and plays with the whole herd of her babes with utter devotion and joy.)

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Homemade pizza dinner...

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Then -- a lot of craziness (she is of an age where winding down for the night isn't a given) and eventually, I nudge her to bed. I have a wee bit of trepidation: we've made a toddler bed out of the crib and it is her first night outside of the confines of her usual nighttime situation.

I needn't have worried. She snuggles under her new quilt, closes her eyes and drifts off...

Goodnight, goodnight, sleep well, wake up rested and happy!