Sunday, May 06, 2018

Sunday in pictures

How I've grown to love color! And especially the hues of spring! In flowers, in clothes, pink, purples, blues, in combinations -- yellow and blue, green and pink -- it's all so enchanting! Before I turned seriously toward gardening, I really did not pay much attention to tones and hues. And in clothes -- well, I ran with the dress-up-in-black crowd. Too, I was known for earth tones -- literally the palette of soil, or marinated olives. Was it that I wanted to hide in the world of the nondescript? Well, those days are long gone. Spring sets the easel for me. From its pure loveliness, I draw inspiration.

I have a very busy Sunday -- it's lovely, sunny and mild -- perfect outdoor weather and so I plunge into my gardens, which, of course, leaves little time for writing. Still, the day deserves space here, on Ocean. It's full of the very best! And because Snowdrop is here both in the morning and in the evening, I am happy to take out my camera more than I usually would for a gardening day. A child running through a grassy field, or chasing bubbles brings it all together for me -- the season, the color, the joy!

Here we go then, my Sunday, in pictures.

A very early morning walk through the gardens:

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Soon after, I hear someone stirring upstairs. Look who's up!

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Too early for the big breakfast. Not too early to blow bubbles!

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Big, little, clumps of many, solo flyers...

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Chasing them is the best!

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Pancakes. Today I use a mix from Birch Benders Micro-Pancakery. Yes, that is really the name of it.

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Some would say it's all in the maple syrup.

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Oh, the colors of a breakfast on the porch with Snowdrop!

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We pick a few asparagus stalks. The thin ones, she eats straight up.

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Only my granddaughter is allowed to pick (some) flowers from my gardens.

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This year, she can handle the hose just fine!

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Snowdrop goes home, Ed slumps over his broken chain saw, I work in the flower fields.

In the evening, the young family comes for dinner. Straight from soccer practice! ("Where are the cheepers?")

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Dinner. It's not a given in spring that it can be on the porch; it's a true gift when the weather is warm enough for it.

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Mouth full of cookies. So many to try, so little time!

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Much later, the farmhouse is in order, the sun has set. What to do with the young chicks? We take a halfway laissez faire approach. Let them meander into their pen, pick them up there and carry them to the coop. The hope is that they will soon move to the coop on their own.

Walking back to the farmhouse, I glance toward the big willow and the young orchard.. A spring sunset....

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Ribbons of color, a movement of bats in the air, the pungent fragrance of things growing.