...and the flowers continue to explode in color and mirth...

(benefiting, I'm sure, from the abundant rains we've had here, including today -- as observed from the kitchen through the gorgeous new door...)

... and Ed and I shopped together for our freeze dried foods at REI for the adventuring week before us, and then, toward late afternoon, I spent a wonderful set of hours with happy girl herself -- Snowdrop.

On the not so upside, I did not manage to pass Oreo off to a potential taker and so now my poor nephew, who is coming here all the way from Sweden, will, in our absence, have to deal with a nutty rooster.
And, too, my nephew's journey continues to be fraught with issues, as he is currently stuck somewhere, who knows where, but it's not here, due to weather issues in the Midwest.
So there's that.
Still, there was so much prettiness to this day! Yes, the flowers, you saw those. But the image of Snowdrop doing her mobile antics stands out. Six months and a day... so ready to go out and join the band!

Now, let me get back to trying to figure out how I can find my nephew, possibly at Chicago's O'Hare airport, even as there are a million people there right now wondering how to get home, given cancelled flights and the iffy weather. (Unfortunately, like me when I travel overseas, my nephew does not carry an operable cellphone. )
Life can get very adventurous, even without having to go in search of adventure.