There is a ladder precariously angled from step to the ceiling over our stairs. The weather outside is bracing (aka cold). And I have a morning appointment with an ENT, so that I can get clearance to have oral surgery in order to get tooth implants. So, a fun day fur us here at the farmette!

I don't really mind any of it. It's all mightily amusing. Ed has had to apply numerous coats of paint to patch up the ceiling and only halfway into the process did he conclude that maybe he should have sealed the ceiling first with a primer. I mean, whoever uses eight coats of paint to cover a stain?! But, too late now. He is moving along, laying on coat after coat after coat, until the stains are no longer visible.
And the weather? Well, it's what we have in November. Caps, gloves and warm jackets were invented to make us feel cozy despite any winter blast. Finally -- the ENT? Well now, that proved to be a lovely visit. Too bad it didn't provide the coveted thumbs up, so that the oral surgeon can go ahead and blast away at my sinuses. The ENT doc smiled a patronizing smile (directed at the dental guy, not me) and said -- I can't rely on his (inferior) scans. I need to have you get nice, detailed CT scans before I can give you your thumbs up.
So, my dear Doctor, are you telling me I may have sinus blockage problems?
Oh, probably not. But I need a medical opinion of a radiologist to tell you that for sure (and not the inferior one of an oral surgeon).
So, now I have to go get a "real" scan, so that I can get an ENT to sign off on a procedure done by an oral surgeon, to get me ready for an implant so that I can have the dentist put a crown in. I'm counting a half a dozen various visits just to get this show moving along! All for a tooth.
By afternoon, I am more than ready to visit with Snowdrop.
Pick up at school? Well, she is well covered against the chilly winds.

I ask her if she is at all cold playing outside at recess. She tells me
-- only if she takes off her mask. Her nose gets cold then. Reflecting on
that she says -- maybe I'll continue to bring a mask to school in the
winter once Covid is over.
Despite the cold, on the walk from the car to the farmhouse, she is always without a jacket, cap, or scarf -- she claims she needs none of it.

After reading...

She works on her homework, then hits the art supplies.

And soon it is time to return home, where her two brothers are settling in for the evening. First, I greet Sandpiper. Can I do my usual photo?

Sparrow joins him.

For some bizarre reason, Lucas the cat decides that he really must be part of this scene. The kids love Lucas, despite the fact that he is old, he has absolutely dreadful health problems, and he is as shy as can be. Plus, one could argue that he isn't exactly cuddly. We're shocked that he even is here, ready to be photographed with the rest. Lucas is big on retreating and hiding.

And if the brothers plus Lucas are there, then Snowdrop cannot be left out.

My daughter is cooking dinner, their other two cats are taking in the smells of the kitchen at the same time that they are keeping an eye on the spirited shenanigans on the arm chair. Somehow I was reminded of the nursery rhyme -- kitts, cats, sacks, wives -- how many were going to St. Ives?
Tomorrow, my own cooking begins.