What an amazing, complicated, delightful, adventurous, ferociously grand day... So much to do, so much to think about. Highlights, as described in pictures:
Morning walk to feed the animals. Well, okay, that's about as normal as a day can get. But in May, it's always special.

Breakfast, on the porch, with my visiting friend, and Ed, and no cats.

And then I'm off.
It's the day of Sparrow's birthday party! A little bit prior to the day he actually turns six, but busy end of school year schedules require some adjustments, so the friend party is this morning. The little guy is heavily into arts and crafts and so he gets to host his school friends at a place that does just that -- art and craft birthday parties.
It's too much to expect the littlest brother, Sandpiper, to join in on the fun, but the older sister is happy to participate. Here they are decorating their crowns:

Many craft projects follow. Wall art, rainbow making, and so on.

And of course there is cake.

Happy first of several birthday celebrations, nearly 6-year old Sparrow!
Party over. I drive back, pick up Diane, pick up Barbara and we're off to the grocery store. To shop for our Big Escape. The three of us, away from it all.
No, we're not going far. Somewhere between Verona and Mt. Horeb -- and if you know your Wisconsin destinations, you'll grasp that this is about as far a trip as one to the airport. About a half an hour away.
What we have is a beautiful spot, on top of a hill. It's an airbnb, aptly called the Prairie House, possibly because it looks down upon a stunning piece of prairie land. At the moment, the purple prairie lupines are in full bloom.

We are just across the road to Donald County Park. Ed and I have loved and hiked this park several times -- it isn't huge, but it's a winner, with cliffs, woods, prairies, babbling brooks and views in all directions. And so immediately after an outdoor lunch (did I mention that it is another hot day today?), Diane retreats for some quiet time, and Barbara and I head for the park.
Such flowers! I've not seen these in our local prairie fields. (It's Robin's Fleabane or Blue Spring Daisy.)

(Allegheny Blackberry, blooming in the woodlands)

(And the lupines!)

And now it's back to our Prairie House. With the sandhill cranes (ha!) in the front yard.

Dinner? At home. I actually brought over some left-over salmon from last night. A salad materialized.

Totally terrific day. And perhaps the only good weather day of our stay here. We're not fussy. If we have to sit by the windows and merely look out at the sweeping views before us -- worst fates have met traveling adventurers!
Until tomorrow then, with love, from the Prairie House.