Such rains fell on farmette lands all night long! Heavy enough to make puddles in the driveway and to knock down a tree limb from one of the ancient maples. And it continued into the early morning, so that when I received a text -- "we're on our way!" -- I couldn't help thinking that there was a lot of drama to the scene before us!
The message came from my friends, who were picking up two of the littlest kitties. Lucky guys! (Both friends and kitties.) Well, lucky once everyone makes the adjustment!
We had established a feeding routine in the morning that would have made the transfer a cinch, but the rains messed with the normal. I ran to the garage, turned on the lights and tried to keep all felines on course. Luckily, the little guys are not at all skittish and they pounced on the food and I whisked the two away before anyone noticed.
We were rewarded later with beautiful photos of the little guys being cuddled in their new home. Everyone there seemed content!
As for the tribe remaining here -- I'm sure Dance, the mom, notices the absence of the two. But what does she make of it? Does she think the rains washed part of her litter away? Might she wonder if they are hiding? Who can tell.

Breakfast, on the porch, with the patter of rain on the glass roof.

It's otherwise a quiet day, here at the farmhouse. Well, except for the noise I made when I wasn't looking where I was heading and crashed into a table that happens to be on wheels, sending everything and everyone careening in a wild and crazy spin before tumbling to the floor. I spent the remaining hours of the day nursing whatever sores and bruises I sustained, remembering the old adage: use frozen peas, not steak and resist the impulse to rub! Easy enough: we have no steak and frozen corn is as good as a sack full of frozen peas any day.
No family dinner today: remember? Sunday was yesterday. Tonight the young couple is celebrating seven years of marriage. Stay happy and strong, you two! Never hold back that joyful laugh!
I shift my elevated wounded knee. Ed, can you feed the cats tonight? All nine of them?
(note chicken feather on little guy... the cheepers spent a good many hours with the cats during the heaviest rains today)

Turns out it's 9.5 cats. Stop Sign returned -- a little bruised, a little angry, but trusting us to feed her once again.