Day of departure. My last trip had with it the most chaotic dash of any trips I've taken in recent years, nay, decades. (That's the one where an impending snowstorm pushed up our leaving to a day earlier. At the last minute.) This one? Quite the opposite. Because it was a Saturday -- a day free of any commitments -- I took care of everything then. This morning is, therefore, very peaceful. And sunny. And beautiful.

And isn't that just grand! Breakfast, leisurely, with Ed.

I'm tempted to take a short walk with him, but in the end, we opt for a quiet few moments in the farmhouse.
He drives me to the airport. It's Sunday, he has the time for it and we want to save on the parking. An extra few minutes to review... everything! I tell him how much I'll miss him. He tells me I should stay happy. And then I am off! To Detroit, to Amsterdam, and finally, to... well, let me write about that tomorrow. I'll post this on the early side because my transfer in Detroit is on the short side. I'll write again from the other side of the ocean.
with so much love...