And sure enough, by the time I let the cheepers out and clean the coop, all wisps of mist are but a memory. Here's the farmhouse in the bold colors of full blown spring.

If you look toward the barn, you'll still see some apple blossom petals on the path, but most likely, your attention will be drawn to the lushness of the largest of my flower fields.

It's warm enough to eat breakfast on the porch.

The cheepers get a treat now as well -- bread bits mixed with tasty blossoms. Happy girls indeed!

The rest of the daylight hours I devote to Snowdrop.
Here she is just after her bath, watching a toy roll away and articulating what has become her favorite phrase of late -- oh-oh! As in -- now look what I've done! Always with a twinkle in her eye.

I suggest a hair clip and this triggers another favorite -- the pulling off of the hair clip.

(The way to get it to stay on is to slip it in when she is distracted. I'll try again later.)
The sun is out now. Want to go for a walk, Snowdrop?
Really? Now? Let's go let's go let's go let's go!

It's so warm that when we pause at the coffee shop, we find a delightful spot outside. No sweater needed! She, of course, studies the activity on the street...

... and at the other tables...

Looking this way and that, missing nothing.

Oh, isn't this grand, grandma?

Time to head home. We take in the used dishes and the high chair and I tell her to find the stroller...

Such a glorious day to be outdoors!
And so I am thrilled that our out of town visitors suggest that we meet them for a walk in the afternoon in the Arboretum. The vast expanse of grass, beautifully framed by lilacs and blooming trees takes the breath away and gives a Snowdrop the freedom to explore. Forgive the photo run. It's as much of the Arboretum as it is of grandmotherly pride.

This way, grandma!


One of the best play moments for her? Dandelion puffs!

For you, grandpa Ed! Dandelion shreds!

From here it's but a short drive to the farmette. And because it's Snowdrop's last visit here for a couple of weeks (more on that later), I let her have her romp with her friends...

And leave for myself an image of her under the willow branches.

Such a beautiful day! Of lilacs and little hands clutching dandelions. Of running, indoors and outdoors. Of filling your lungs with the scent of May. Oh, how I love having nature right there, at my doorstep! I know Snowdrop loves it too. She tells me this again and again, in a thousand ways.