A morning walk to Buci Street, watching Paris get moving again after a very long weekend of closed schools and quiet streets.

At Paul's the croissants and pains au chocolat just keep on coming from the ovens. Always warm, always delicious. They must sell thousands of them each day.

Things I wish I had taken the time for: popping into this new neighborhood darling: a pastry shop that sells only choux pastries (cream puff type, only small). Closed today.

Snowdrop is just waking when I return. She discovers a good view out a heretofore closed window.

And she discovers how delicious apple juice is in France. She never drinks juice at home, but here, we indulged her.

We get ready to go out.

Waiting patiently for us...

So happy to hear that the merry-go-round will be in the morning part of this day!

But first, mom pauses in a dress store...

How many times have Snowdrop and I crossed the river to ride round and round in that Tuillerie Gardens carousel?

She spies it, runs to it...

Hurry up, gaga and mommy!

We have extra tickets today. Determined to ride the girl out. I can't even begin to list what she chose. For sure airplane and motorcycle, and this chariot, with mommy.

I have the luxury of sitting it out and just waving madly each time she spun around. (A timed release selfie.)

You'd think she had enough of spinning. No. She wants to pop into the playground and do this.

Each time you visit a place, you learn something new about it. I had no idea that they used goats at the Tuillerie Gardens to cut grass!

And how this girl has grown in Paris! Her behavior, her expectations, her understanding and cooperation have just been soaring. People always notice and respond with encouraging praise.

After lunch (at Cesar's again, because there were free tables and the pizza is good), I take her to the grocery store: we're short on milk. I charge her with the task of getting us some.

Walking home now, but with a stop at St Germain des Pres. A side chapel:

... and up those circular steps to our apartment.

Cherries made into earrings!

Evening. At once lovely, because it's less hot, but too, nostalgic, because the hours are quickly ticking away. We return to Madison tomorrow.
We do not do anything that you would call spectacular and exciting. Unless you're me: in my view, a stroll through the Jardin du Luxembourg is spectacular and exciting.
This is the first time that the entire young family comes along to the park...

Snowdrop so wants to go on the swings, but for some inexplicable reason, they're closed. Oh, the disappointment! And oh, the recovery! (We go to the playground instead -- a first for her daddy so she gets to show him around her most favorite corners.)

Other kids in the park...

Hurrying now, because we have a dinner reservation...

Alright, dinner. Now, this is a curious thing because I am the one who has been reticent about taking the little one out to special restaurants. I worry too much about how it all will play out. But my apartment owner suggested a really spectacular Italian place where the owners are especially kind to families. (Ciasa Mia in the 5th)
We go.
Oh, it's work. I spend a goodly amount of time drawing pictures for Snowdrop of scenes from our days together. Upside down. I'm not especially great at art, but still, she loves these sketches!

And when her pasta dish arrives -- tortellini stuffed with fish in a broth with asparagus -- she is the perfect diner, enjoying every last morsel.
The owners, whose son is just five days younger than Snowdrop, are impressed. Sure, their kids eat good foods, but to sit through a very late evening meal for two hours and be content? This is unusual.

And we all beam and Snowdrop beams and we leave with smiles and kind words, but I want to say that this is travel with a child: you work hard to make her interested and happy, but then the child works even harder at adapting, learning, fitting in.
Yes, Snowdrop has grown hugely in Paris. And so have I.
(Tomorrow we travel. I'll try to post, but we do not return home until very late. In any case, my next post will be from Madison.)