Monday, February 07, 2011

two red packs and a door

I have to accept that this week is going to be somewhat of a wash. I expect to be in my office most daylight hours. It is so difficult to post on days like these...

My last class on Monday ends at an hour when Bascom Mall is dark and quiet. I sometimes look for a live body then, just to exchange a greeting, or comment, but most often I find no one.

Earlier, at midday, I look outside and I think there can be nothing more satisfying than a spot of espresso. There, through the red doors of the Education Building I can find one. It's good to have Education close to Law.


It's snowing. A delicate, sweet snow.

Later, significantly past the hours when one can still catch a snippet of news on TV, I stop at the shop where I used to moonlight last year.

It reminds me that the demands on my time could be even greater now. They were last year in these cold winter months.

I pick up a jar of plum blossom cream and go home to cook dinner.