Tuesday, March 26, 2019

here and there

On days that call for a lot of car travel, I feel in the way you do if you've spent too much time in front of the TV. Of course, there is the convenience of driving: when I am in Warsaw, dependent on my own two feet, supplemented by an occasional metro ride to get me from point A to B, I groan at how quickly the day is lost to doing the most basic errands. Just buying bread, fish, wine and produce (life's essentials) can require a run between stores not at all proximate to each other. You'll say -- it's good for you. I'll say -- yes, if you have the time. Here, in Madison, I can zip over, pick everything up from that list, and be back in a handful of minutes.

Still, a car is a car is a car: a trap in which you sit, starring at moving traffic. So tedious! So dull! And on such a pretty day no less!

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At least I have my morning walk to care for the animals. Watching their antics is never dull!

(Cheepers, out to greet the day!)

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(Two cats and six chickens, each a different bread, a different personality and they all get along. Amazing.)

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But then come the errands, appointments, car chores -- the mind grows dull just at the recollection. And because there is so much of it, I do not get back until close to noon, which is when we finally sit down to breakfast.
I ask Ed -- I don't suppose at 43F (6C), it's warm enough to eat outside?
No it is not.

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In the afternoon, I go to pick up Snowdrop and this gives me a chance to greet the little guy...

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The girl has been under the weather for the better part of the night and day and so I find her in a somewhat sorry state...

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I pick her up, jammies and all, and bring her to the farmette.

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After tons of restful reading, new books and old books, she asks for food.

She rallies. She is quickly on the road to recovery!

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Stories unfold!

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Yes, it's a beautiful spring day, here at the farmette. On balance, a really gorgeous day!