Still, a car is a car is a car: a trap in which you sit, starring at moving traffic. So tedious! So dull! And on such a pretty day no less!
At least I have my morning walk to care for the animals. Watching their antics is never dull!
(Cheepers, out to greet the day!)
(Two cats and six chickens, each a different bread, a different personality and they all get along. Amazing.)
But then come the errands, appointments, car chores -- the mind grows dull just at the recollection. And because there is so much of it, I do not get back until close to noon, which is when we finally sit down to breakfast.
I ask Ed -- I don't suppose at 43F (6C), it's warm enough to eat outside?
No it is not.
In the afternoon, I go to pick up Snowdrop and this gives me a chance to greet the little guy...
The girl has been under the weather for the better part of the night and day and so I find her in a somewhat sorry state...
I pick her up, jammies and all, and bring her to the farmette.
After tons of restful reading, new books and old books, she asks for food.
She rallies. She is quickly on the road to recovery!
Stories unfold!
Yes, it's a beautiful spring day, here at the farmette. On balance, a really gorgeous day!