(the uneaten tulips are hanging in there! just one day of sunshine and they will explode!)

We eat breakfast in the kitchen. It seems we are always eating breakfast in the kitchen. Same food, same kitchen.

Not that I should mind: a warm room is such a wonderfully seductive thing. You drink your frothy coffee, you catch up on your reading. Or ticket buying. Yes, travel is in the air. Not this month, but next month. It's complicated, exciting and it requires preparation.
And eventually, Ed will look up from his computer and say -- we really should do some work outside...
(God, it's hard to work the soil with Tomato around: she needs to check out every bit of dirt for worms. Happy, he just crows. loudly.)

I pick up an excited Snowdrop. She is full of good stories from the day, but the one that really strikes a chord is her recount of May Day celebrations (no, it was not about the international labor movement, it was about giving May baskets to friends).
The first of May.... I'd been so preoccupied with the end of April, that I did not give a proper nod to the coming of May. My mom reminded me that it would often be cold in Poland on May 1st, but those are never my memories of this date. When I think about the first day of May these days, I think of planting gardens and sunshine. Indeed, of May baskets and folk songs. Of apple blossoms and lilac.
Our crab apple isn't quite blooming and the lilac has a good week or two to go, but he juices are flowing: the plants gaining strength, growing tall, getting ready to show off their strong colors. (Sort of like little Snowdrop, don't you think?)

It's dance day for the little one and so we (try to) hurry.

Phew! Only 30 secs late!

Dance! ...With the coming of May.