I saw none of it. I lived the traditional Monday: appointments, meetings (some of them quite delightful, don't get me wrong here), and time set aside to clear my office (remember -- I decided I'd give it eight hours total; today I put in my second set of two). All indoors.
A shame, you say? Well yes. But it's different when you know that these busy days are the exception. That there will be plenty of sunshine to take in -- if not tomorrow, then the next day, week, month, season.
So I succumb to it and I cluster as much as I can in this one day and so I disappear after breakfast...
...and knowing that I would be immersed in people, and not ones who would wish or expect to be photographed, for the first time in a very long time, I leave my camera at home.
And so the next photo will be from when I came back to the farmette. After the sun had already set.
![farmette winter-17.jpg](https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7313/11939716543_0b011848da_z.jpg)
It is still quite warm -- just at freezing -- and I chip away a little at the ice in the driveway, though I can do no more than create a path leading to the road.
A magnificent moon rises to just above the pines at the edge of the farmette. I have to smile then. No matter what, at the end of the day, whether you work or you're retired, we all share that moon and that's a good thing.
![farmette winter-11.jpg](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3833/11939713943_935575a37e_z.jpg)