(I wont clip any of the tulips: I'm so grateful that these survived the early spring animal attack.)

Breakfast on the porch! With lilacs!

Our daffodils, still going strong!

And here's one of my favorite farmette corners in spring: the old orchard, blooming now, in a meadow of purple and white violets.

Okay, to work! So much of spring digging and planting is done on my knees that I try to remember to keep my pants from being torn to shreds by wearing knee pads. (Photo by Ed.)

Cheepers! Stay out of the flower bed! There, that's a good place for you to do your preening!
I thought you didn't like it when they pooped up the walkway -- Ed says with a grin.
I can sweep up their poop. I don't want to have to sweep up knocked down flowers!

And soon it's time to pick up Snowdrop, who again has had a full and active morning at school. She is definitely tired, even as she looks like she's ready to take on the world!

A few adventuring favorites: the big swing!

Learning about railroad tracks...

And then it's time to head to the farmette. A quick play outside...

... with a bucket for her various gardening projects...

But when she is tired, it's not hard to coax her back into the farmhouse. Especially if Ed is there, and a snack is waiting, and favorite books are strewn about the couch. Oh, and of course, her baby awaits her tender caress.

After her nap -- we read. Here's my little grandgirl, in her post nap discombobulated state!

And outside, the world is brilliant with spring color!