Oh, I’ve become less fussy about counting. I’ve skipped maybe a half dozen days in these six years, mostly because I just could not arrange the circumstances in a way that would permit writing and/or posting. But you know this about Ocean: if you click here each day, you'll find, pretty much always, a new post.
Numbers. Let me throw down a handful for you to consider:
Today, even in the middle of this very sunny day, the thermometer never passed five degrees Fahrenheit.
Of course, I did not know this when I said to Ed – let’s take a break from work. [I meant my work; Ed doesn’t work (anymore) per se. On this day, he could be found fumbling with machine designs on the computer; I think machine designing to him is like book writing for me. The difference? He actually anticipates reaching a final product.]
I propose a quick hike.
In retrospect, writing now from the warm interior of my condo, I can say it was quite beautiful.
But cold.
[Though this is relative: at the shop tonight, I chatted to a customer who loves winter and hates spring. Something to do with having to plant potatoes once the earth softens up a bit...)
Numbers. Let me not neglect to mention that this is day two of a decidedly work filled week-end. One more tomorrow. And then I kiss the deep freeze good bye. I hope.