So the light switch will have to be shifted. I hate creating this extra work for Ed, but to opt for the easier path is really to let go of this one opportunity to set the house in order.
I make decisions sometimes over the phone, sometimes quickly, sometimes not so quickly at all. Take the color of paint: bleached linen or ballet white? I can’t help but think that bleached linen sounds just so right! Farmhouse-like. Who wants to paint the walls a color called “ballet”? And yet, when I pull out the samples, tough guys like Andy and Ed, and more gentle types like my daughter point to “ballet white.”
So, ballet it is.
In the meantime, there is a flurry of activity in the condo selling department. And there is a packed week of teaching. And there is Spring Break, which plucks me out of Wisconsin, beginning Friday.
Things are rather hectic.
I take a stroll between classes for my usual espresso. I know daylight savings time is coming around this week-end. Surely the lake is nearly at the melting point?
No, not yet. But there is a bounce in the air. A spring smell perhaps. Lovely.
Oh well. I didn’t really expect flowers or chocolates today.