I am up early. Just in case.
It is again bitter cold outside. But pretty! Especially in the minutes just after sunrise.

I go out to greet/feed the cheepers. There'll be plenty of sunshine today, but the hens have had enough of snow adventures. They're staying put, in the barn. Wise decision.

I clear some of the farmette paths and I decide there is enough snow up on the porch glass roof to warrant my climb out there as well for some heavy duty shoveling. It's brutal work, especially if you're dumb enough to leave your mittens inside. I wont be making that mistake again!
Breakfast. In the sun room!
(Ed asks -- could you cut my hair later today? Oh yes! So glad you asked!)

In the end, I learn that I'll be picking up Snowdrop in the afternoon. This leaves a golden morning window for skiing!
Except that it's so cold. We're at 6F (-14C). But there is snow. For the first time this winter, there is an adequate layer of snow on the cross country trails in our local county park.
We bundle up. I mean, we really bundle up. It is only the second time in my life that I see Ed put on snow pants. I do as well -- the old fashioned kind that make us both look like inflated balloons. It's worth it -- anything to keep warm.
It's a beautiful day to be outside! The trails aren't groomed, but we manage!

And perhaps you will have guessed that halfway into our run, we get very very hot.

I have to say, I do not mind feeling hot when an Arctic blast has descended upon us once more. There is something deeply satisfying in opening your jacket and unfurling your scarf in defiance!
Ed asks -- can we ski over to my favorite tree?
Of course! His favorite tree has a grand resting place for my camera, thus providing us with a time release selfie.

A pristine white snow, a clear blue sky -- what more could you ask of a February day?!

In the afternoon, there is Snowdrop.

She is feeling much better now, even as the day has dragged her down a bit. She surely has flicked away whatever bug was ailing her, but you can tell that she is one tired little girl.
Still, she is content to read her favorites...

And she takes a stab at play, but honestly -- I think she'll be happiest when she is tucked in for the night in her warm comfy bed.

Evening. A quiet one. All projects put aside for the day. The snow outside has turned from morning gold to dusky dusty blue. Winter colors in a still world.