Wednesday, May 02, 2018


It rained and stormed all night long. I woke prepared for a very wet Wednesday. But no! The day dawned with misty skies and deliciously humid air. And before me -- a lush and verdant landscape!

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As I survey the flower fields, I am reminded of a conversation I had with Snowdrop yesterday. We were driving to the greenhouse and my daughter was noting that a few colleagues are thinking of retiring. Snowdrop asks -- what's "retiring?"
We talk about people getting older and stopping work at their jobs to perhaps pursue other interests for a while. But you have to have enough money saved up before you can do that!
Snowdrop thinks for a while and then announces -- when I have a money, I will retire and I will travel!
Where to, Snowdrop?
To China!

My own retirement has elements of the expected (travel, gardening, writing -- albeit at a slower pace than I would have thought) and the unexpected (life with grandchildren!). Nothing about my days now would surprise anyone who knows me, even as some may say that I tend to be excessive in all these undertakings!

And sure enough, when I see that we are to have a good weather day, after a lovely porch breakfast...

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... I go out and stay out. For many, many, many hours.

I must note that this morning I had some worries about the chickens -- all six of them were in the coop for the night. But as I step outside and look toward the barn, I can see that all's well.

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The chickens aren't yet moving around as a pack of six (rather -- two packs of three), but they definitely are aware of each other and they seem to be getting along. I am sure Java is responsible for setting the proper tone!

(Ed, herding the little ones...)

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(The three big girls, watching...)

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I check off a lot from my list of tasks for the day. (I am trying not to think about the fact that I also add a bunch of new tasks to that list.)  Let me close off my morning labors with a photo from a bed of double daffodils.

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And now it's time to pick up Snowdrop!

Because she has dance class, we haven't a huge chunk of time to mess with, but still, when I tell her that I can't quite locate the little chicks and need to look for them, she is excited to tag along and help me search for them.

I find this to be the right time to explain to her that there are animals out and about who love chickens, but that we try to keep the little girls safe.

We look in the barn...

(Look! I'm walking with Java to the barn!)

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Nope, not there. We circle the writer's shed... Not there either.

And now out eyes are drawn a dab of white underneath a large fir tree. Could it be Cupcake?

Yes! We find the little girls!!

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Climbing up and around the felled tree is almost as satisfying!

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Today is Wednesday and so it must be Storybook ballet day. I am amazed at how much heart Snowdrop puts into the class, given that she is a tired little girl! It's been a full day and she hasn't napped. (Working on an arabesque...)

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She is delighted that both parents come to pick her up after class. She is a child who is super close to both parents and when both are there within her field of vision -- her cup runneth over.

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Tired little one, tired Gaga. But so very very content with all that the day offered.