You can't blame me for not writing much this weekend! So much happening all around me, so many good distractions. But hey, where one hand taketh the other giveth. Not enough story writing here on Ocean? Here come the photos! Are you ready??
The day starts early: I need to be at Sparrow's school for the "first day" picture -- a particularly memorable one because the little guy hasn't been in school since the middle of March. Last year. He is three now. Can he even remember what it was like when he was just one and a half?

Is he ever excited! (Though barely able to hold up his supply-filled back pack!)
Back at the farmhouse, my visiting Primrose is full of ideas as to what comes next.
For me, there's no question: I vote for breakfast!

We eat at the kitchen table, it's that cool outside!
And now for the outings. Lots to accomplish today, despite the weather. (Cool and it will start to rain by midday.)
Highlights? Well, Primrose gets a haircut...

And then we have a girls' lunch -- my older girl joins us and it is wonderful.

In all ways.

Home then. Little kids need their rest time. And then my younger daughter and her husband take off and Primrose and I face the Labor Day weekend together at the farmhouse. With Ed.
Dinner? Well, this gets tricky. We were to eat with her cousins, outside, at the Thirsty Goat. But the rain! Oh, the rain! So we called it off. None of the cousins are vaccinated. One of my daughters is pregnant. Three kids are going to school. Our agencies appear to be bickering as to the next steps for all of us. This is no time to take chances, so Primrose, Ed and I eat takeout pizza alone at the farmhouse.

After that? It's a blur. Painting! Primrose has been asking at each visit here if she could paint and she is always stalled with the grownup choice words of "this isn't a good time..." No stalling today. She paints.

Creatively, determinedly.
Filling the whole "canvas" with her three chosen colors.

And we watch a movie! The lovely Luca. And I finally return to popcorn, because she wants it so Ed makes enough for all of us.

And at some point it is bedtime and the little girl is tucked in upstairs in the Lemon Room and Ed and I sit back and do the retired person's exhale. There's so much to be grateful for. So much!
With love.