Now comes the squeeze: the last frost day appears to be this coming Tuesday. if that's the case, then the time I have to plant the annuals is... Wednesday at dawn or after surgery (meaning -- it's problem). My list of all that I have to do now (because I wont be able to do it after Tuesday) grows long, my time to check off items from it grows short. And in the meantime, the ceiling in the kitchen drips water and Ed ponders the next step. He tells me -- the time between drips has increased by 29 seconds! That's a good sign! Okay...
Outside, as expected, it's cold. Still, the walk to the barn is pretty, albeit fast-paced. Not your lingering weather.
But I do sidestep into the young orchard. Our local paper signaled that this is the time to visit the Arboretum for the cherry bloom. Why go there, when I can get the cherry bloom here!
And the plum bloom from our plum tree that has never given us a single plum!
Breakfast, to the tune of drips, now every 64 seconds.
I clean the house then. Quite thoroughly. Who knows when next I can do this! And the car! It needs a vacuum job and a dusting inside. Fun stuff, no?
In the evening the young family is here for dinner.
Unfortunately by the very late evening, the drips from the ceiling accelerate to every 55 seconds. That's not good! We watch our favorite show to distract us from that steady drip that portends of troubles ahead! Small, easily solvable troubles, I hope!