It seems to me that we are racing toward the end of summer. End of July already? I snipped a lot of lilies today, but I noticed that there are few new buds on most stems. That's an end-of-July phenomenon alright. The days of snipping will soon end and I will return to an idle morning routine. Maybe.
(good morning, world!)
(such colors!)
(a burst of citrus)
I was to have the young family for dinner today and since this would have included their houseguest whom I know well and like, I had set out to bake what I imagined would go over well with him as he likes all things citrusy: a lime-lemon-orange tart in a chocolate crust. With berries on top. This one:
All proceeded according to schedule until I got the message that Sandpiper was now sick. Well that figures. First Sparrow, then Snowdrop and now the last one to fall -- the youngest guy. Bringing him here would be foolish for him and for us, so I offered instead to take the meal over to their place and join them in an outdoor supper. Still, the prep work is larger than usual and so the day is filled with kitchen work.
But I'm not neglecting the great outdoors! I pause in stirring citrus curd and snipping beans and take off with Ed for a walk in our favorite park. Because it's beautiful and we never regret the time we take for this short but happy hike.
Now, back to the kitchen. Finish up, pack it up and head over to the young family's home.
And though at first, Sandpiper really does appear to be under the weather...
By the end of the evening, he's up and running with the rest of them!
(the rest of them)
It's wonderful to be eating on their deck and we linger for quite a while.
I feel just a smidge guilty because when we eat at her place, the clean up is hers, not mine. But, she is way more efficient than I am and by the time I leave, the house is in order once more.
Summer evenings: they are the best, aren't they....
with love...