The orange color announces itself out the west-looking window. I can see the flash of color, through branches and bushes.
Comings and goings. The sun is up, the sun is down. One daughter returns, then leaves again. Other daughter coming up for a brief moment, to return home soon after.
And through all this, we, Ed and I, are the ones who stay home. Comings and goings, sunsets, sunrises – it’s all distant. Remote. We’re up, sometimes very early, sometimes out immediately, sometimes working hard for hours before a breakfast at 10 or even 11.
Today was like that. Ed is ripping the porch up and nailing in treated boards. I’m weeding and grading, weeding and grading.
Yesterday was (for Ed) a biking day, today is (for us) market day. So there is a difference between Wednesday and Thursday. Good thing, or I’d get terribly confused as to where I am in the passage of time.