Thursday, March 05, 2020


The wind howled, the trash cans outside toppled, signs telling you to drive carefully (because of the animals) on our long driveway fell off their posts.

Still, it very much feels like early spring.


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Much of my morning is devoted to coordinating my mom's transfer (Monday!). There's the discharge, the transport, the move-in. It's going to be a radical change for her (for the better, I hope!). She has been in a nursing home rehab for nearly three months and she has insisted on isolation.  No visits, no computer, no calls (I'm the exception).  The hope is that next week, she will resurface and resume an engagement with the world. in a supportive environment.

In the afternoon, I pick up the kids and bring them to the farmette. Showers come and go, the walkways are mushy and muddy -- all typical early spring stuff, all wonderful!

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It's dance day of course.

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And then I'm back at home. Late, but satisfied that all that needed to be done today was taken care of. Tomorrow, Ed and I will don our mover hats. "Two people and borrowed truck." Best part? We move for free!