Oh, but today was a beautiful day! On Bascom Hill, the snow is trickling down in a wet stream. Imagine: in a month (or two), there will be students lounging on the grassy incline.
Such lovely thoughts. I take my coffee break down the hill and I detour to take a look at the nearly thawed lake.
Okay, it’s not nearly thawed, but certainly it is almost nearly thawed. We are days from the spring season!
I like to keep my spirits up on days when the teaching load is big.
In the meantime, Ed, Andy and Andy’s grandson are mending a broken house. It’s impossible for me to make it over there today, but I hope to scoot down tomorrow to admire their progress. I hear stories of broken plaster from past bathroom leaks, of toppled ceilings. Of boulders being moved up and floorboards being nailed down to fill gaping holes.
My own contributions are to start late tomorrow as I attempt to sand, prep, stain and seal the window frames. Am I worried? Nahhh. No one expects me to do a good job. I go at it with very few building skills.
I’ll keep you informed.