Wednesday, October 09, 2013

a tiny extra post

I don't want to lose any days here. So just to keep Wednesday on the books, let me post these three photos from this day. The first, at the farmette, taken very very early in the morning. Everything was so muted and tame... Lovely to see in those first wakeful hours...

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The second -- at breakfast. Much of the discussion at the kitchen table focuses on the porch roof. There's a lot to consider. A whole new learning opportunity on how to live with a glass roof.

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And finally - from campus. The day was so fine and the grass still so green that I think they deserve a moment here.


Thursday I head to Chicago. I haven't seen my youngest girl in too long a while. Any break from work must include a quick visit with her. Then? Well, as long as I'm in Chicago, I can fly to wherever a cheap fare will take me. Can't be too far -- I have to be back Monday afternoon.

So where to? Ed tells me just a couple of weeks back -- air watch dog is calling ridiculously low fares to Ireland this month! Ireland? Okay, Ireland.

long day

That's Tuesday for me. Long. And so therefore, the post after it has to be short.

A friend stopped by during breakfast -- a repeat of celebratory pancakes and a repeat of my delight in seeing so much brightness everywhere I look.

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How can there be this many ways to view light?

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And after breakfast? Well, work. With the occasional mad pace through the garden, as Ed continues to put finishing touches on the roof edging.

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Back inside for me. Work! Keep at it -- work! Forget the gorgeous day. Get inside!

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To campus then, for a few hours in the classroom and after -- wow, is the sun setting already? As usual, I ride rosie home the quiet way -- by the lesser lake...

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By the time I am on the country roads, the sun is almost gone. Just a sliver left -- over the now dry fields of soy.

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Home. The joy of returning home. Is it that way for you too? That final stretch of road before you turn into your drive way, does it make your heart swell? I could write a fat tome about the pleasure of being home. And so it is one of the peculiarities of nature, my nature, that I should devote so much energy and spare resources on being away from it! Next time I write (late Thursday), I wont be home at all. As always, stay with me as I reconfigure my posting schedule. Travel disrupts routines. And that, for me, is a good thing.