Tuesday, September 16, 2008

food and a blast of good weather

If you want to have your picture taken and you care about how you look in it, you should resist the impulse to have yourself photographed while eating. Most people do not look attractive while chomping and heaving their cheeks and jaws in peculiar and unnatural ways.

Realizing this, I refrained, for example, from eating the lovely tart in the photo at the sidebar. (See it? It's to the left.) I smiled, my daughter took the picture and then I chomped.

Nevertheless, on days like today, even eating looks pretty. It was an absolutely brilliant afternoon -- all blue skies and gusty warm breezes.

In the lunch hours, the Library Mall down the hill was abuzz. On the down side, it was abuzz with construction, as was the lower part of State Street (patience! I know it's probably for the common good!), but still, on the positive side -- it was a beautiful moment of students at one with the day, with each other and with the food they were eating. So many styles of eating! And for once, on this day -- all beautiful to behold.

001 copy

005 copy
taste this

006 copy
sticks again

007 copy
chips and dip

009 copy
big bite

010 copy
smaller bite

Remind me of this day and this moment four months from now.