Friday, February 25, 2022

I'm off

I read this just recently. Words from Paul Theroux. He said: travel is optimism in action.

I find it apt.

It's time for me to pack up and go. I've been mentioning my great desire to squeeze in a winter get-away, especially since winters during the pandemic have been long and of course stressful. Somewhere in January, I calculated that by the end of this week, Omicron rates should be low enough that I would once again feel safe out there in the greater world. Sure, travel always brings some risk, but in fact, the pandemic numbers have gone down and so what I put in place in January is going to stay in place. I bought insurance then, just in case. Looks like I wont be cashing in on it.

It's an exceptionally busy morning for me. Yes yes, the animals and breakfast -- those take a good hour. 

(2 inches of new snow... pretty!)

(I'll miss you...)

But, too, I have to pack. Normally I would do this slowly, all week long, laying aside things I will need. But I was so immersed in my work that I could not touch even the idea of packing. So it all has to be done this morning. 

And it's tricky. I think I am going skiing. That was the idea. I picked a spot that has a reputation for good Nordic trails. But am I really going to venture out on them? The lower elevation ones may not have snow. The higher? Well, there remains in the area a risk of avalanche. My Polish friends urged me to grab someone to ski with me, but they dont really understand Nordic skiing. They're all avid down-hillers. Nordic is a great solitary sport and the risks are, well, different. I'm not likely to break my leg or crash into a tree (though it's possible...). Still, I am mindful of avalanche warnings and I'll have to see what risks are there right now. Besides, maybe I should give downhill a try one last time. Half of my friends continue to ski, half have stopped. Where do I fit in here? Again, I have a wait an see attitude toward it all.

I do have the idea that for a week, I will go about the day as my mood (and energy levels) dictates. If I only take a walk and do nothing more, I will not mind. If I take a ride to some mountain top and do no skiing or hiking at all -- this wont disturb me either. I am looking for that refresh button that needs a click after the pandemic (if indeed we are after the pandemic). This is what next week will be all about.

I pick up Snowdrop at school as usual, but I take her straight home.

And then I go to the airport and I catch a flight. Three flights actually. I'm posting before I get on my first one. We'll see how the connections work for me. 

The weather looks promising, my spirits are ready for the challenge of a trip to a place that is a first for me. I'll let you know tomorrow how the travel part went and whether I arrived without hiccups.

In the meantime, a bientot, with so much love...