It's cold, but not really cold because the sun is out! I don't get this -- how is it that you feel just fine, even in the shade, merely because the skies are blue? Whatever the logic, I'll take it!

We're in the 40sF (maybe 6C) and yet, I'm in favor of putting the chicks out and I'm in favor of eating breakfast on the porch.

Afterwards, I return to the weeding, but I restrain myself with planting anything. We're getting a hard frost next week. Putting in baby plants just before is not a good idea.
And so the entire morning is spent on gardening, interspersed with phone calls. And we get a delivery of wood chips from the Madison Gas and Electric tree maintenance guys, and I am hoping that distributing them will slow down the weed growth that's been driving me nuts the past few weeks. So, progress!

And very quickly it is the afternoon. Time to pick up Snowdrop!
She isn't fully convinced we should spend time outside. Oh, she makes her rounds: chicks, tree, flower overview...

But Fridays are tired days. She'd much rather snuggle inside with her bowl of fruit and a good book. And Gogs. (Gogs, what did Abe Lincoln mean when he said "A house divided against itself cannot stand?" Hmmm, who knew I'd be explaining the Civil War today...)
(The sunshine follows us inside...)

But late in the evening, after I drop the girl home, I return to the yard. Ed had dumped mountains of wood chips on the new flower bed. I can start making inroads spreading them around. Pitchfork, here I come!
Dinner is very, very late.