Tuesday, November 14, 2023


You will not hear much from me today. The bulbs have arrived, the weather is splendid, a bike ride is de rigeur, the kids need to be picked up -- in other words I have before me an unusually non-Novemberish day, filled to the brim with all that must be done before we close the door to fall and await the pleasures of a solid snowfall.

Indeed, a brisk walk in the morning (to the barn)...

... is quickly followed by a project to bring down a cracked limb on our tall honey locust tree. Ed throws the saw up high (it takes many throws to position it well) and then we each take an end of the rope and start sawing.

A quick and perfect breakfast follows...

And very shortly after, I'm out. Planting, biking. 

Interrupted, unfortunately, with a very unproductive appointment (dont ask -- there have been snafus with this for weeks, and the mistakes continue... one just has to laugh!), so that I can only put in a third of the bulbs that arrived yesterday. Still, progress was made!

Kids next.

(He always comes to the car with the same words: guess what! -- then quickly launches into a complicated story of school happenings that are sometimes deserving of that initial excitement...)

(She succeeded in stealing Ed's mouse! quite the feat -- she's been trying for a while!)

(And the indoor lights are back with us, lighting the way up our very steep staircase.)

(And the outdoor lights continue to shine light on the walkway as we leave the farmhouse...)

Reheated foods today and yet another ending to a Brit crime drama series that I loved! I always think -- we'll never find something as deliciously good to watch, but in fact, we always do.

And the cats join us for supper (they get shredded Italian cheese as a special treat), and the candle glows and the evening is so fine!

with love...