It wan't high.
In the morning, I wait for the phone call. None comes. Snowdrop is fine and in school!
A big sigh of relief!
I go out to deal with the silly cheepers. Well, perhaps not so silly: Henny has started laying every now and then. (She is the only one of the three, so we're grateful!)
It's cold again, but there is sunshine! I look out over the farmette: so many tracks, not one of them our own. Deer, groundhog, rabbits and who knows what else...

Breakfast, bursting with sunshine!

And skiing at noon at our local county park. Blue skies and for the first time this season -- the trail is groomed and ready!

We zig zag, taking this turn and then the next... (Such pretty colors!)

Lovely. How lucky we are to live so close to a park!
Immediately after -- I pick up Snowdrop. It's not that she is immediately full of giggles. She hasn't napped. She is tired. But if you find an excuse to laugh, inevitably she will join you. She can't help herself. Worries slip away. The giggle slips out and now it's full blown guffaws.

Which last and last...

Yes, she is her old boisterous, ridiculously funny and fun loving self.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were done with the bugs and the Arctic blasts for the year?
As for jumping -- I'll go back to my piddly saunters later. For now, excuse me, but I have some Olympic figure skaters to watch. The Winter Olympics have begun.