Sunday, October 13, 2019


Such an easy day to summarize: Ed and I sleep long and work hard. There you have it. We are both on the couch right now, tuckered out.

Initially, the day has a very conventional start to it: at around 7, we go to feed these guys:

(Dark Blue, waiting.)

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(Stop Sign is around as well. Perhaps she slept in her little igloo -- who can tell.)

In the sheep shed, all eight are there, happy, bouncy, warm. We play with them a little (meaning we try to get them to stay calm and trusting, which is hard when they have both of us there towering over them) and then both Ed and I go back to sleep. We're catching up on some very short periods of rest!

Breakfast is, therefore, late.

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Then it's just a question of getting a huge cleaning accomplished in the farmhouse (that's my task for the day) and for Ed to finish working on the brakes of my car. We each spend over three hours on this stuff. I surely have the better deal, as it is cold and damp outside and warm and cozy indoors. Indeed, with gentle music playing and a lovely soy candle burning, I'd say I have the upper edge on bringing out our inner hygge! You don't know what that is? Ask the Danish. Or read about it here.

I also snip a few nasturtium blooms. They wont survive this coming night. Let's enjoy them together one last time, here:

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In the evening, the young family comes for dinner.

(She spins tales, he fits lego blocks together...)

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(oh, and walking: he is super into practicing moving about in an upright position!)

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Dinner: she likes squid and corn, he likes pasta with the occasional shrimp.

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Happy kids!

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(she brings out the art supplies...)

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Sparrow does wonder why he wasn't given a corn cob. I boil up some water and cook one more for the little guy. Yes, he is ever so grateful!

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It's such a good evening! We talk about next weekend, and too, about the weeks after. We watch the kids play, lending a hand when needed. We exhale. We've had some tough days, but here we are, eating well, watching the kids play. Exhale.