(I can tell what time it is: the door to the coop opens at 8:10 and with that grand swing, the cheepers burst forward, instantly marching to where the action is -- around the garage and writers' shed.)

Ed, are you up?
I am now... (the usual response)
Don't you need a beard trim?
(Breakfast: he's not nearly as grumpy as he looks!)

All morning, I work at clearing the garden. It's not grueling work -- cutting back spent flowers, pulling some garlic mustard invasives, removing debris from the flower beds. But it is never ending. I cannot do a perfect job -- I learned this a long time ago. I do as much as feels right for the day.
And then I pick up Snowdrop at her home, again taking a few minutes to visit with a guy who never sports a grumpy expression.

As Snowdrops gets out of the car and moves to visit with the cheepers, I am delighted to see that Happy the rooster does not see her as a threat. So far, this guy is all that the books say he should be.

(Can you tell the girl is feeling better?)

There is always lots of pretend play. But not only. Today, she designs a sequences for a necklace...

... and paints a picture of Moana on a beach...

... and as always, has her sweet playful times with the big guy.

Later, much later, there is a flash of lightening in the dark sky. And another. Rain comes down. Nothing huge. A spring shower. A refreshing, lovely spring shower.