I let the cheepers out just as the sun sets that golden tone onto the farmette.

The beloved farmhouse peaks out of a backdrop of sun dappled fall colors.

Breakfast is, of course, in the sun room.

As it's Tuesday, I rush off rather quickly to Snowdrop's home. I'm there just as she wakes up.

And so begins our day together. I don't need to describe the play routines. You've seen them before and in any case, toddlers the world over replicate these same developmental efforts -- standing, rambling, playing, swaying...
Of course, I have a grandma's perspective: this girl is uniquely grand and ready to take on the world...

But I do understand that first she has to pick up a few skills...

Including moving about on her two strong, but still toddler-ish legs.

In the afternoon, we go out for a walk. Of course we do -- it's 70F! But instead of merely walking her around the neighborhood, I take her to a playground that was just put into a nearby lakeside park. The equipment is for the younger set and I think this may be a good time to get Snowdrop interested in slides and swings.
In fact, she is more interested in the other children there.

She loathed the idea of sliding down, at least on the first couple of tries (we came back again later and she fares better). And the swings? Well, in grandma's lap in the most gentle fashion (this wont do in the long run, Snowdrop, this grandma hates swings!).
For the rest of the walk, she kept glancing at me to see what else I had up my sleeve and she was delighted when the whole adventure was behind us and she could ramble around in her own home.

It's interesting how quickly kids develop a suspicious attitude toward new things. Snowdrop has never minded new people and she has become a terrific eater of new foods. I imagine once she understands the whole set up, she'll be clamoring up the slide with glee, like the bigger kids. If only the good weather holds long enough to get us there!